contax 645
Photography, Passion and Happiness
I know that Photography is my number one passion, but why? Recently I watched a fantastic documentary on Netflix called Happy. In the synopsis they say: "Happy takes viewers on a journey from the swamps of Louisiana to the slums of Kolkata in search of what really makes people happy." What was really interesting to me was the findings of...
Kodak Portra 160
I am starting to really love this film. I was always a Fuji 400H fan but I am growing fond of the warmness of Portra. Taken in Leeward Beach, Turks & Caicos Islands with a Contax 645.
North Caicos
A trip to North Caicos all shot on Contax 645 medium format film. Babymoon at 6 months pregnant.
At first light
Living in the Caribbean certainly has it's perks. 6.30am walks along a quiet beach is one of them. All photographed on film. Contax 645, Kodak Portra 160.
Leeward Beach
Morning walks on Leeward Beach, Providenciales, Turks and Caicos. All shot on film. Contax 645, Kodak Portra 160
Mudjin Harbor Middle Caicos
Film, film, film. I can't get enough of it. I have just had a bunch of scans back from Richard Photo Lab which always feels a little like Christmas morning to me. Here are some photographs taken on my medium format Contax 645 during our babymoon at 6 months to Middle Caicos. Film stock here is Ektar.
Baix Forada Villa Ibiza
A few shots from around Baix Forada Villa in Ibiza where I recently attended the FIND Workshop all about shooting film. Now all I want to do is shoot more and more film!
Claire & Pawel
Claire is an amazing photographer herself and was, in fact, one of the workshop attendees. Her and her hubby, Pawel, modeled for us on the first day around the gorgeous villa Baix Forada where we were all staying. Claire is also originally from South Africa and we have been chatting online for some time now. It was so nice to...
At The Beach
One evening after a day of packed information we all headed down to the beach to watch the sunset and enjoy a bit of the island. These are the "FINDERS" aka Film Is Not Dead workshop attendees and honestly such a special group of people.
Marta & Julen
Another of the young couples I got to photograph in Ibiza during the FIND Workshop. Did I mention that we only got 8 mins maximum with each couple? Scanned by the FIND Lab
Albert & Lucia
"Spanish Albert" {as he is affectionately known} and his lovely girlfriend Lucia... Film Is Not Dead Workshop in Ibiza
Ibiza – Portrait Shoot
Recently I attended the FIND Ibiza aka Film Is Not Dead workshop with JONATHAN CANLAS in Ibiza no less. I loved the experience. Here are a few scans from a gorgeous young couple who modeled for us. I will be blogging more shots from the workshop in the coming days but all I can say is that it has to...
Bridal Fashion on Film
Top Bridal Fashion Photography Durban, South Africa I shot a few rolls of film at a recent bridal fashion shoot which took place at Grove House in London. This has been featured on Rock My Wedding in the UK and on Wedding Chicks in the United States. A few select images will be in the next issue of Wedding Flowers...
Bath on Film
We spent a weekend in Bath shooting a wedding and shot some film around and about.