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Monday Musings

I am starting a new weekly inspirational blog post series on Monday mornings in order to share with you the things I have found to be interesting in my life at the moment. It feels to me that after turing 30, and more recently 31, there seems to be life changing decision after life changing decision! I posted that thought on Facebook and the response seemed to be a resounding “yes us too”!

Glad it isn’t just me then.

My first recommendation is a book called THE SECERET by Rhonda Byrne and the follow on from that called THE POWER. They are based on the law of attraction / like attracts like and the power of being positive and how that can change your every day life. It is the art of being motivated. Professional athletes have been using the methods described in the book for years.

I recently watched an interview with a boxer and he described how he would spend some time calming his mind and going through the upcoming boxing match in his head. He said that he would imagine every move, every punch and eventually exactly how he would knock is competition out. This is known as visualising and you can use it in your own life too. And no, I don’t mean to knock your fellow wedding industry professional out!

Another method, which I love, is creating vision boards. I have always created mood boards for my professional life. When I was an artworker / graphic designer and I had a burning desire to break into the world of high end retouching. I obsessively collected tear sheets from magazines like Vogue so that I could study how skin, fashion and hair retouching was done. It motivated me to learn the tricks of the secretive retouching trade and I did end up retouching many images that graced the pages of those very magazines that I had added to my flip file a couple of years earlier. For bridal fashion shoots I create mood boards on Pinterest and have various folders on my Mac hard drive filled with inspirational images. It is amazing that what you keep looking at finally materialises because you don’t forget about it and it is at the forefront of your mind when opportunities arise.

If you are not using PINTEREST yet, I warn you it can be addictive but loads of fun! If you need an invite leave a comment below and I will use your email address to add you. As far a I know you need to be requested by a member to join. If you follow me on TWITTER or FACEBOOK you will know that the first board I have created in certainly turning into my reality. I now go to the gym every day during the week and love my Zumba, Yoga and Body Pump classes. I will go into more of this in future posts but please do ask any questions below and I will try to answer them for you.

Spend a little bit of time each day looking at your vision boards. Print some out and stick them up where you can see them often. They can be created the good old fashioned way like my Mom’s boards where she has cut images out of magazines and stuck them into a scrab book of sorts. Try not to put too much on the board and make it easy to absorb on a daily basis. I would love to see your boards!

I now have a PINTEREST board for Fitness & Healthy Eating:
 The Secret  vision boards using pinterest (1)

My Future Home:
 The Secret  vision boards using pinterest (2)

Travel Locations:
 The Secret  vision boards using pinterest (3)

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